Commemorating the “June Fourth Incident” – the People’s Resistance Against Military Crackdown on the 1989 Democracy Movement

Peter Turnley / Getty Images

In the early morning of the 4th of June 1989, up to 300,000 PLA soldiers poured into the streets of Beijing to quash the popular mobilization of students and workers in demand of political reform. Hundreds, if not thousands citizens of Beijing, students and workers from all across China were martyred as soldiers armed with live ammunition fought their way into Tiananmen Square, where students had been occupying since April that year.

The ’89 democracy movement was a popular response to the lack of freedom of expression and association, the rampant corruption among CCP cadres, as well as the emerging ills of capitalist reforms under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping. The sudden death of Hu Yaobang on the 15th of April 1989 – the popular reformer who got pushed out from the party’s core by Deng, was the catalyst. Spontaneous commemorations of Hu quickly escalated into political demonstrations and occupation of public space. Students and young workers in Beijing and other cities across China were rapidly organizing themselves into a massive movement.

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The protestors sought dialog with the CCP leadership and simply demanded them to uphold the ideals and values that were promised at the establishment of the People’s Republic. Yet the party’s leadership accused them as a terrorist and anti-revolutionary crowd influenced by foreign powers. That night and morning, the people of Beijing did not yield to the authority and brutality of the “people’s army”, they instead valiantly resisted with barricades, fire and their own body – these were students, factory workers, doctors and nurses, teachers, mothers and fathers, grandmas and grandpas, quite literally the people. Many vehicles of the crackdown forces were stalled and burned; some soldiers were even persuaded to surrender and disarm. Although gallant, the people’s resistance of ’89 was utterly crushed and the democracy movement silenced.

33 years since then, China’s economy has been through a three decade long meteoric rise; the PLA has become a formidable force that is only rivaled by the US military; and the Chinese state’s colonial ambitions in Xinjiang and Tibet are all but secure. The CCP’s grip on power seems to be absolute. But they would be mistaken to think their authoritarian rule could continue until the end of time unchallenged. As long as there is oppression, there will be resistance. The citizens of Shanghai’s vocal opposition to the government’s absurd handling of Covid pandemic is the latest testimony to the truthfulness of this statement.

Jeff Widener / AP

Let this be a warning to the ruling elites; the martyrs of ’89 have not been forgotten and will not be forgotten. Every year, many still pay tribute to the martyrs as well as pass on their stories to the next generation. Their spirit of resistance lives on in the many protest movements in Hong Kong, Taiwan and even within the borders of the People’s Republic. Just like how ordinary citizens in Beijing in ’89 would dare to face the full force of the state machine out of a spontaneous sense of justice, mutual aid and their care for fellow citizens, resistance does not stem from hierarchy nor command but from the conscience of each individual. All it takes is a little spark to initiate a wild fire that could burn down the dictator’s state.

The martyrs will be forever remembered; the struggle for democracy and freedom shall not falter. One day, the names of the June Fourth martyrs will be read and honored in Tiananmen Square.

David Turnley / Getty Images

4th June 2022

紀念 「六四事件 」— 89民運中人民對軍事鎮壓的抵抗

Peter Turnley / Getty Images



AFP / Getty Images

雖然運動群眾只是尋求與中共領導層對話,要求他們堅持共和國成立時承諾了的理想和價值。然而,黨的領導層卻指責他們是受了外國勢力影響的恐怖分子和反革命份子。在那天的清晨,北京人並沒有屈服於「人民軍隊 」的權威和暴行下,反而搭建起街壘和路障還有自己的身軀去阻止軍隊進城 — 他們都是一般普羅百姓:學生、工廠工人、醫生和護士、教師、母親和父親、祖母和爺爺。衝突中,戒嚴部隊的許多車輛都被阻擋在街頭甚至被燒毀;一些兵士甚至被勸降并解除武裝。雖然英勇,但這場人民抗爭畢竟被徹底粉碎。民主運動也從此被牢牢壓制。


Jeff Widener / AP



David Turnley / Getty Images




在過去一年,香港人為了自由與民主付上了沉重的代價。灰暗的城市中灑落了太多的熱血,有人甚至連生命也賠上了。數以百計的手足目前正在受牢獄之苦,就算我們有幸身處牢獄之外都要面對各式各樣的打壓。隨著國安法生效,警察亦無止境地搜捕示威者,抗爭前路仿似日暮途窮。但正如美國工運組織者與唱作人Joe Hill在百多年前留給我們的遺言所示:「不要花費時間哀悼,組織起來!」

其實Joe Hill只是區區一個移民工,正值壯年的他卻因為工運而捐軀。他對被剝削的工人夥伴們的關懷,以及他敢於挑戰權威、為工人權益奮鬥到最後一口氣的精神,絕對值得我們借鑒。他絕不妥協的勇武風格,令他成為政府和老闆大班們的眼中釘 。1914年,Joe Hill在猶他州被捕。警方將一項謀殺罪嫁禍給Joe Hill並旋即判處他死刑 。被槍斃之前,他向廣大工人夥伴和革命同志們傳遞簡單一句話:


在今天的香港,我們也銘記我們的烈士們。2019615日,梁凌杰手足以自身性命對威權作出控訴,犧牲就義;2019919日,十五歲的陳彥霖被發現曝屍海面,死因存疑,當局卻離奇地拒絕調查案件;2019118日,剛好一年前的今天,周梓樂抵抗警察鎮壓的途中從高處墮下傷重不治。當然我們不會忘掉眾多在抗爭路上受創傷的手足們,例如是被警察殘暴地奪去右眼的印尼記者Veby Indah;又或是被近距離開槍擊中的曾志健同學。我們也不會違忘一眾為了自由民主而在獄中捱著的手足,包括被扣押於深圳、被剝奪基本人權的十二港人。



我們必須組織起來,積聚力量。就如Joe Hill所講,我們不應花費時間哀悼,反而應該把更多時間用在組織上面。以烈士與義士們之名,我們要建立起解放香港的勢力—建立起屬於人民的力量、團結所有能明辨錯對的人、達致行動與策略上的共識,堅守陣線直至我們戰勝暴政!


“Don’t Mourn, Organize!”: Fight on with memory of our martyrs

The movement for democracy and freedom in Hong Kong has brought heavy sacrifices. Too much blood has been spilled, some friends have even lost their lives; hundreds of comrades are locked behind bars, while those of us who aren’t still live under chilly censorship and repression. With the enactment of the National Security Law and the non-stop prosecutions and arrests by the police, the path ahead of us seems too bleak and daunting to bear. But as famous US labour organizer and songwriter Joe Hill said before he died: “Don’t waste time in mourning – organize!”

Continue reading ““Don’t Mourn, Organize!”: Fight on with memory of our martyrs”

The Enemy of Our Enemy Is Not Our Friend (1/2)

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” [The United States Declaration of Independence]

243 years since these words were declared, the promise of freedom and equality is still yet to be fulfilled. People are tired of economic deprivation, institutionalized racism and tone deafness of politicians. The murder of George Floyd was the last straw. The anger can no longer be contained. Thousands upon thousands swarm the streets all across the United States and say, “WE ARE TIRED! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! BLACK LIVES MATTER!” Continue reading “The Enemy of Our Enemy Is Not Our Friend (1/2)”